Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The principal

Had a good saturday. Followed some nice lady from church going to her hot son's grandmother's place. Found out the whole family already knew about me before I even met them all..... Nice ppl and the house was really nice although really small and crowded.
Well, this lady started talking to me telling me about her principal and her principal's life. Describe it???
"We was this nice lady who is really fat and is always in the office doing work from really early in the morning to quite late in the evening. She had a picture of herself in her office where she looked slim and beautiful. This lady had a husband(indian). Well build and always away having his own fun(sport). They have no children but are quite happy."
When I heard this, my heart skipped a beat. It sounded all sooo familiar. It was my dream which I had a few years ago. The same lady telling me the story and bringing me around. The same red curly hair. And the fact that she was really nice and chatty to me. A few years ago I thought it was coz I watched too much of this violin movie with the nice red haired lady. But in my dream everything seemed to be the same as I was told. The only addition was this...
The husband was away most the time and I found out he was having affairs. His wife was always in the office and is fat coz of depression. She kept herself busy and didn't wanna believe that her husband was having an affair. I followed the principal back to her home and boy... was she rich. Her husband is an architec(which is true). I was brought around the school and it was ok but me and the staff ended up helping the principal off her feet getting her to get bck into shape as she used to be. All without her feeling we felt sorry for her.
Ok. So maybe I won't be there with the staff to help her but isn't this all just to weird? I hope this dream of mine is not 100% real.