Friday, March 17, 2006


I woke up like any other morning.The whole day was a blur.Felt really tired.Was getting ready for something I couldn't remember what.Had a shower and was going to pick out today's clothes.When...
What horror.What shock.
I've never seen myself in such a horrible condition in such a short amount of time.I stared myself at the mirror just staring in horror....
My face long and small.My collar bone showed out alot.I looked almost like corpse.Or so thats what I thought.
Never realising skipping lunch for a month would take that much effect on me.I knew my weight has gone down quite drastic being here.From a 53kg to a 47kg in only 1 month.That IS alot of weight.I do take really heavy dinners and big breakfast but I suppose the supplies all converted into energy with all the traveling.
I continued staring at myself.Hoping it was all a dream.


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